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Welcome to Paul Williams Photography
Light. Life. Landscapes.
Hi, and welcome to my site where you can find the latest news on my current projects, most recent images from trips at home and abroad, and a range of other information relating to photography. More than anything I want you to get as much pleasure looking at my photographs of wildlife and landscapes as I had capturing them. I'm fortunate enough to have been given this amazing opportunity to become a full-time photographer, and intend making every second count of my fourth career in a life that's been well lived, but which has taken its toll on me mentally and physically. There are various pages on my site which link in to what I'm working on along with a selection of images taken as I continue to travel the road less travelled to recovery. You will also find a brief bio and links to my book, public speaking, my media roles and future projects. 

Please feel free to use the contact button below to ask any questions you might have

This is a website for everyone and anyone interested in photography irrespective of the level you might be at, or the kit you have - or don't have for that matter. I hope you enjoy my site, and I very much look forward to hearing from you in 2023 - it is, after all, always the year of the photographer...

What makes for a good image for you? Drama, location, emotion, vibrancy, mood, or a little bit of them all?
walrus and polar bear.jpg

Svalbard photo bomber...

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